
3% of U.S. corn planted

Early U.S. corn planting continues to inch forward.

The USDA says that as of Sunday, 3% of corn is planted, matching a year ago and slightly ahead of the five-year average.

56% of the U.S. winter wheat crop is rated good to excellent, unchanged on the week and up sharply from this time last year, with 6% of the crop headed, compared to 5% on average.

3% of spring wheat is harvested, in line with normal for early April.

5% of the U.S. cotton crop is planted, compared to the typical rate of 6%.

23% of rice is planted and 11% has emerged, both ahead of the respective usual paces.

13% of sorghum is planted, compared to 14% on average.

Overall U.S. soil moisture showed a week-to-week improvement.

The USDA’s national weekly crop progress reports run through the end of November.