
USDA says corn & soybean condition declined

U.S. corn and soybean condition ratings declined slightly in the last week.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture says corn conditions are rated 72% good to excellent, a decline of 2 points from the previous week, but an improvement from 2023. 93% of the U.S. corn crop has emerged.

Soybean conditions are rated 70% good to excellent, also a decline of 2 points from the previous week and an improvement from last year. USDA says 93% of the soybean crop is planted with 82% of the soybeans emerged, ahead of average.

USDA says cotton conditions are rated 54% good to excellent. U.S. cotton planting is 90% complete, close to the five-year average, with 22% of the cotton squaring and 6% of the crop setting bolls.

Sixty-six percent of U.S. sorghum has been planted, 4% less than a year ago at this time.  Fifty-four percent of Texas sorghum has headed, but the crop in northern states is not that along.  51% of the crop is in good condition and 7% is reported in excellent condition.

USDA says 100% of the rice crop has emerged, compared to just 97% a year ago.  Six percent of the nation’s crop has headed.  14% of the rice is in excellent condition and 68% is in good condition.

94% of the U.S. winter wheat has headed, with several states reporting 100% of the crop has headed.  In the eighteen primary growing states, 27% of the crop has been harvested.  USDA says 9% of the crop is in excellent condition, 40% in good condition, and 34% in fair condition, almost no change from last week and better than the five-year average.

Spring wheat is 95% emerged compared to 93% a year ago.  Spring wheat condition is rated 3% excellent, 48% good, and 37% fair.

U.S. barley is 88% emerged in the five primary growing states compared to the five-year average of 94%.  Four percent of the barley has headed.  The crop condition is reported as 2% excellent, 48% good, and 42% fair.

USDA says 96% of the nation’s oats have emerged, equal to the five-year average.  50% of the crop has headed, compared to 45% average.  The condition across the nine primary growing states is 10% excellent, 57% good, and 22% fair, which is better than last year.

Pasture and range conditions are reported as 9% excellent, 39% good, and 28% fair, which is like last year.

USDA says topsoil moisture was rated 11% surplus, 64% adequate, and 14% short in the 48 reporting states.  Subsoil moisture levels last week were at 13% surplus, 68% adequate, and 15% short.