
91% of U.S. corn, 78% of soybeans planted

U.S. corn and soybean planting advanced last week, despite more rain delays in parts of the Midwest and Plains. That’s expected to continue during the early part of this week.

The USDA says 91% of U.S. corn is planted, compared to 95% a year ago and the five-year average of 89%, with 74% emerged, compared to 73% on average, with 75% of the crop rated good to excellent, 11% higher than the first national condition report of 2023.

78% of U.S. soybeans are planted, compared to 89% last year and 73% on average, 55% has emerged, compared to the usual rate of 52%.

49% of U.S. winter wheat is in good to excellent condition, up 1% from a week ago, with 83% of the crop headed and 6% harvested, both ahead of their respective normal paces.

94% of spring wheat is planted and 78% has emerged, faster than average on both, with 74% of the crop called good to excellent, 10% more than this time last year.

61% of cotton is in good to excellent shape, 1% above a week ago, with 70% planted and 9% emerged, both near their five-year averages.

81% of rice is reported as good to excellent, 1% higher than the previous week, and 88% has emerged, compared to 84% typically in early June.

78% of sorghum is planted and 55% has emerged, trending ahead of the usual paces.

51% of U.S. pastures and rangelands are in good to excellent condition, a week-to-week improvement of 3%.

The USDA’s weekly national crop progress and condition reports run through the end of November.