
Big month for U.S. ethanol exports

April was a big month for U.S. ethanol exports.

The Renewable Fuels Association says ethanol exports was 214.2 million gallons, an increase of 34% from March and just the second time on record exports have gone above 200 million gallons.

Canada claimed the top slot for the 37th month in a row, followed by the United Kingdom, India, the European Union, and Oman.

The total also included 11.9 million gallons to Brazil, their significant intake since May 2022.

Exports of distillers dried grains with solubles were 970,164 tons, down 8% on the month, with solid demand from Mexico and Indonesia partially canceled out by a five-month low in shipments to South Korea.

For 2024 to date, U.S. ethanol exports are 662.5 million gallons, 38% ahead of 2023 and the highest volume in six years, with DDGS exports at 3.91 million tons, up 22% on the year.