
Propane supply, demand steady for fall harvest

The director of ag business for the Propane Education and Research Council says there shouldn’t be any surprises for propane supply and demand this fall.

Mike Newland tells Brownfield, “We’re sitting in a great spot from a supply standpoint. We’ve got a bunch of propane and we’re exporting 60 percent of the propane that’s available to us in the U.S.”

He says extreme heat in August and earlier this month may have some impact on drying season. “We’re going to dry corn depending on where you’re at. (In) the Eastern Corn belt, nearly every bushel will go through a dryer, even on a dry year because it just comes off wetter. Here in the western end of the state, big events like that can impact the moisture to the point where we don’t dry much corn at all.”

Newland says the price is higher, but that will depend on local retailers.